Men. Cowardly lions, the lot of them. They roar and make a big show, but really they're scared of most everything. They are especially scared of open, honest conversations. Flashback to Sex and the City, if you would, and the Berger episode arc. This is the guy who broke up with Carrie on a Post-it, and the explanation of his friends pointed to women becoming hysterical and overly emotional. I have known men who had untreated scars from street fights and permanently disfigured fingers from aggressive basketball games. Physical is no problem, but emotional looms too large.
I know I told Nikki I would call her two weeks ago, but I'm afraid of what we might talk about. Instead, I'll forward her jokes and Youtube links. Or maybe I'll chat with her and act as if I don't remember I was supposed to call unless she brings it up.
I know that I have shown only a limited interest in Nikki. However, when she points this out, I will protest that it is only because she's shown a limited interest in me. I will become offended and cut off all communication in protest.
This may come as a shock to men, but I don't love those "serious" conversations. Dissection is often a favorite pasttime of women, but I'd rather talk about an outfit or the great meal I had the night before. I don't particularly want to interrogate you about why you haven't called when you said you would or where this is "going." I do it because as interesting as angst can be, I prefer clarity. I appreciate a "You are here" in my life's journey. Dorothy and the boys would have too, even the cowardly lion. So, boys: feel the fear but do it anyway.
Oh, you know what another favorite is?
"I met Moonrat and we went on a date/kissed/had good chemistry. But since I'm really cool and I know I'm such a hot comodity, I don't want to get into a relationship with her. After all, I'm not into having any COMMITMENTS. None of my guy friends do. She says she's not trying to pressure me into anything, but I can tell that she wants to, so I'll go out of my way to make jabs about how I'm not ready for a relationship right now. Also, I'll naturally assume that she's WAY more into me than I am into her, and that I'm her only option--because, after all, who would want anything more than me? And all girls are like that anyway. Meanwhile, I'd like to keep MY options open, because there's lots of hot women in the world. Not that I'm sleeping with or even dating any of them. In fact, Moonrat is really the only girl I've hung out with/spoken to in the last year. But you know. I wouldn't want to close any doors. So in the meantime I'll just make sure to call her just as she's starting to write me off one more time, or to cut in if I see her dancing with someone else at a club, etc. Not that I want a relationship; I'm not into commitment right now.
F**king F**k.
Sometimes I feel like I have no right to post on this blog--what with being all doe-eyed about being in love and getting married and all--but I do have something to say.
You're absolutely right! Men (sorry, HB, but even you too) are freaked by anything related to emotions. It's fine and dandy to talk about last night's episode of Lost or about how this new DVD upconverter can make you see the hairs on Chewbacca's face, but bring up a subject about feelings and it's like talking to a stone wall. Even after 7 years.
Well, then there's no hope. If HB doesn't get it, who will?
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