Tuesday, October 17, 2006


I’ve always liked to date; I enjoy the excitement of meeting someone new, getting ready for the date, anticipating what is to come, I like the whole process of dating. Dating, for me, is kind of like traveling. You get a taste for a new culture, you may want to visit again, but unless a place feels really comfortable, generally you don’t feel the need to settle down there. I've enjoyed learning about and experiencing different men, but rarely have I felt the need for an extended stay with any one man.

In high school, I wasn’t much of a dater, but I hit my stride in college. My first year in college, my girlfriends would tease me about how much I dated, and said that I had a flavor of the month. I’d flit from guy to guy, a few dates here, maybe even several dates over the course of years, but I never had a boyfriend. For me, it was the chase that was exciting, not necessarily the prospect of catching anyone.

About six years ago, I moved to New York and the dating merry-go-round started again. There was a time that I could almost guarantee that I would see at least one guy I dated at any party or social function I attended. In New York, the dating pool began to feel like a baby pool. I like dating, but I realize I kept it casual because I didn’t want to get hurt and I also wasn’t meeting anyone who made me want to change my routine. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve met a lot of great guys, but I’ve infrequently felt that chemistry with a man, that elusive feeling that made me want to go further. Sometimes I think I rely too much on feeling that chemistry, but I know myself; I’m a passionate person and I can’t be in a lukewarm relationship.

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